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Family Annonaceae is rich in fruiting plants. Most popular amongst them are Ram phal, Sita phal, Hanuman phal, and Laxman phal. This blog discusses the comparison between all these fruits.

Sita phal

Annona squamosa is commonly known as Sita phal. Fruit is generally the size of the tennis ball with an irregular surface all over. The fruit pulp is fleshy and sweet with a grainy texure. 

Ram phal

Annona reticulata is commonly known as Ram phal. The fruit is little bigger than Sita phal. The outer fuit cover is smooth as compared to Sita phal.

Hanuman phal

Annona cherimola commonly known as Hanuman phal. This fruit has slightly irregular surface. The fruit is sweet in taste and pleasurable to eat. 

Laxman phal

Annona muricata is commonly known as Laxman phal or Soursop fruit. As the name muricata suggests, this fruit has soft spine all over the fruit surface. The fruit is sour in taste due to high vitamin C. 



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