Annonaceous Acetogenins are the most valuable phytochemicals present in Soursop/ Laxmanphal, scientifically known as Annona muricata . Annonaceous acetogenins typically are derivatives of long chain fatty acids that are selectively toxic to Cancer cells, including multidrug resistant Cancer cells. Scientific research carried out by Hadisaputri et al (2021) conclude that Annona muricata leaf extract is responsible for the induction of apoptosis of breast cancer cells. This apoptosis is majorly due to reduction in the integrity of mitochondrial cells. Cancer cells may develop Multi Drug Resistance (MDR), a phenomenon in which Cancer cells develops resistivity against the the specific drug being used in the Cancer treatment. Acetogenins (ACG) in Soursop are found to be cytotoxic to these Drug Resistant Cancer cells. As a result, these Cancer cells undergo death and decay, preventing the spread of Cancer to other parts of body (Metastasis). Annonaceous acetogenins induce cy...
The phytochemistry of Annona muricata L. (Laxmanphal) There are sufficient reasons that Soursop is gaining its popularity in the Health Sector. Soursop is rich in various phytochemicals, Vitamins and minerals that are proved to be helpful in eliminating bad cells. It provide vigour and vitality to the body, helping immune system to deal with the chronic diaseases including Cancer. Inflammation is also prerequisite for the developemnt of various Cancers. Soursop is known to inhibit the cell proliferation and to decrease the tumor growth. Anti-inflammatory effect is also a beneficial and effective strategy in the management of solid Cancers through inhibiting the site of inflammation. Annona muricata shows medicinal properties which include anticancer (25%), antiulcer (17%), antidiabetic (14%), antiprotozoal (10%), antidiarrhea (8%), antibacterial (8%), antiviral (8%), antihypertensive (6%), and wound healing (4%). Annona muricata (Laxman phal) frui...